Celebrating 5 years of the RSL Employment Program
25 May 2023- Ideas & info
The program has supported more than 4,512 veterans and Defence partners with their job search.
In 2023, the RSL Employment program celebrates five years of supporting veterans and the partners of current and ex-serving Defence members in their search for meaningful employment.
Launched as a permanent service offering in 2018, the program is available online and over the phone and is free to all veterans and their families.
Working closely with organisations nationally, the program connects veterans and partners of current and ex-serving Defence members with rewarding employment opportunities that help provide purpose and direction as they transition to civilian life or settle after relocating. Equally, it provides employers across Australia with access to a highly skilled, experienced and driven candidate pool for their workforce.
Beginning in Queensland in 2018, the program was extended to South Australia in 2020 before being rolled out nationally in 2021, providing all veterans and their families with access to support in finding and securing jobs across a variety skill areas and industries.
Now, more than 4,000 members of the veteran community have used the service for support in their job search, including: career counselling, interview coaching, assistance in identifying transferrable skills for the civilian job market, resumé writing and application support, as well as placing them into employment.
RSL Queensland Deputy CEO – Veteran Services Troy Watson said securing meaningful employment was about more than just finding a job for veterans and their partners; it was about providing the right tools and support to help ease the transition some may face heading into civilian life.
“We know that some people may need additional assistance when adapting to civilian life, but it’s more than just finding a job. Securing meaningful employment helps provide purpose and direction, and can result in a fulfilling career,” Mr Watson said.
“Our business and community connections are at the core of how we link our clients to a wide range of jobs across multiple industries. The organisations we work with truly understand and value the unique skills and characteristics ex-Defence members and their partners bring to their organisation time and time again.”
Ensuring this support is reflected across all facets of the program, RSL Employment also continues to support employers through the development of onboarding documents, online modules and access to strategy templates to help employers better understand veterans and how to use their transferable skills in their organisation.
Over the past five years, the program has been recognised for its impactful contributions, taking home the Prime Minister’s Veterans’ Employment Award for Excellence for Supporting Spouse Employment in 2020 and was a finalist for the Prime Minister’s Veterans’ Employment Awards – Excellence in Supporting Veteran and/or Partner Employment in 2021 and 2022.
In 2023, the program has passed the milestone of placing more than 1,000 veterans and Defence partners in jobs with employers around the country.
The service continues to grow and provide new ways of supporting veterans and Defence partners with their job search. It recently launched a jobs board, that provides a list of current job opportunities available from RSL Employment partner organisations looking to hire through the program.
A program powered by key partners
The RSL Employment program is underpinned by the dedicated partnerships of organisations across the country. Here is what some of the key employers who have worked with RSL Employment over the last five years have to say about the program.
Queensland Police Chief Inspector Corey Allen APM
“I could tell right from the first contact that the RSL Queensland team were motivated to match the right people with meaningful work and that they had the interests of the people at heart. We employed a number of ex-service members who hit the ground running and are now leading the way providing skills training to police and recruits.”
Suncorp Group, Executive Manager Project Delivery, Ben Dullroy
“As a Veteran myself, the RSL Employment program is an initiative I’m proud to support. We would recommend any organisation looking to become an employer of choice for veterans and Defence families to engage with the RSL Employment program. It is a fully funded program at no cost to the employer or the job seeker and it is supported by a great team at the RSL that really cares about getting the best outcomes for veterans and Defence families.”
Brisbane Motorways Services, Roads Operations Manager, Brett Simpson
“The RSL Employment program has provided our business with an inspired, capable and dedicated workforce that has contributed to the company winning both state and national industry awards. The program plays an integral part in the success of our business. It plays a direct role in supporting road safety in high-risk work environments such as high-speed motorways.”
Boeing Defence Australia
“Boeing’s partnership with RSL Employment Program is built on trust, respect and mutually striving for best practice. The program’s preparation of applicants is second to none. Their knowledge about our industry, combined with excellent people skills, creates an efficient process and impactful outcomes.”
Energy Queensland, Apprentice and Trainee Program Coordinator, Jon Haynes
“Energy Queensland has partnered with the RSL Employment program to provide opportunities for over 40 veterans to build a rewarding and long-term career in our industry.
Supporting veterans and their families is a common goal of Energy Queensland the RSL Employment program, and our organisation has benefited immensely from the leadership, organisational skills, and values that veterans bring to the workplace. Energy Queensland strongly recommends employers consider partnering with the RSL Employment program to assist them to connect with veterans seeking employment.”
Learn More
If you're an Australian Defence Force veteran, or the partner of a current or former Defence member, we can help you take the next step towards finding meaningful employment. Explore our free programs for ex-service people, partners, and potential employers at rslqld.org/employment.
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