Could a former Defence member or a Defence partner be the right fit for your business?
With 5,500 people leaving the Defence Force each year, Australia has a significant untapped human resource pool. Former Defence personnel have a wealth of skills and experience that can benefit civilian businesses, from technical and trade qualifications, to corporate leadership.
With online modules and access to strategy templates, our Employer program helps employers better understand veterans and how to use their skills in their organisation.
Contact us today to see what ex-Defence personnel and Defence partners can bring to your organisation.
"The value between hiring ex-adf and their partners into Boeing is the skillset they bring with them, an openness to change and adaptability, the resilience they all bring with them, they have a very different mindset, they always look for solutions to work as a team to come up with a positive outcome" Alex - Boeing Talent Acquisition Specialist
The Australian Defence Force (ADF) invests heavily in its people. When you hire an ex-ADF member, you are hiring someone who:
- has transferrable skills, values and attributes
- is a committed employee
- is seeking meaningful, long-term employment
- has accredited training with nationally-recognised qualifications
- is an effective leader and team member who embodies team spirit.
Employing men and women who have proudly served our country also promotes your organisation among the community as an employer of choice.
Partners of current or ex-ADF members also face employment challenges from relocations due to postings or if their partner transitions out of Defence for any reason. As a crucial member in a Defence Family, ADF partners possess unique attributes that are highly desirable to civilian employers including:
- Resilience; ability to adapt to change, including environmental and emotional change with the ability to quickly overcome challenges or difficulties.
- Organisation; Partners of ADF members plan moves and alter their activities, often at the last minute. This requires high level organisation to ensure smooth transitions.
- Communication; Clear, concise, and accurate communications are vital for the effective operation of the ADF. ADF Partners are usually great communicators and used to digesting complex information.
- Values driven; Partners of veterans have high integrity, are loyal and self-disciplined. They constantly witness and maintain strong work ethic and bring dedication and attention to detail to every task.
The RSL Employment Program is working to help veterans and their partners across Australia find meaningful employment, using RSL Queensland’s highly successful, evidence-based program.
This program is available nationally.
RSL Queensland is working with RSL Tasmania to support veterans and their partners in Tasmania.
Find our Employer Terms and Conditions here.